About Us

Who are



We build programmes|that live on through|your people

Our process for experience design aims to deepen connection, activate participants, and inspire lasting evolution in trainers and other participants. We’ve refined it over twenty years, aligning it with the acclaimed Theory U Process from MIT, evolving it with Lego Serious Play, and allowing it to become a truly agile process of co-creation. We are always excited to share with new partners, because it creates space for something new to emerge each time.

This process is how we help organisations evolve from within and build their capability to sustain their change.

We work to understand your context, system, and team. We aim to find the roots of a challenge, so we can tackle causes, not the symptoms.

We bring our extensive design experience into conversation with you, and co-define a robust, appropriate and entirely enable programme for you.

We test, role model and reiterate our design, taking feedback and learnings into our alterations to the sessions’ style and format.

We develop the capabilities of team members, allowing you to sustain and grow your ownable programme of change – but also your skillset.

We work with you to roll out the programme in full, making any adaptations needed as contexts change. We help you evolve or scale further if you wish.


Our work has touched

470,000 people


We work 1:1, with teams & at scale


We work across all continents &

delivering in over 20 languages

in over 61 countries



France / Germany




Hong Kong



Costa Rica


Our Facilitators, Coaches and Designers are located all over the world

Jerry Hogeevan

Eric Olson

Dana Asher

Ricardo Nieto

Allan Fair

Akshay Sateesh

Amber Wendover

Erin O’Connell

Julia Blaison

Samata Vasisht

Hannah Merriman

Nina Bainbridge

Fiona Coleman

Alice Phillips

Martin Kalungu

Ray Lamb

Simon Lamb

Lisa Barnwell

Laura Lewin

Kate Downey

Alyse Ashton

Sahar Schwaninger

Jason Furness

Christine Cheong

Mya Kwan

Samata Vasisht

Rebecca De Regt

Paul Barrie

Roberto Alonso

Samuel Danang

Our Clients

We would|love to hear|from you